What I’ve Been Up To Lately

What I’ve Been Up To Lately

The time has come for me to check in with you guys again, and I thought I’d let you know what I’ve been up to lately! I think we’re all going a bit stir crazy stuck at home a lot of the time, so let me entertain you for a bit.

The Initial Surge

The first thing I did when Germany started its contact ban, ironically, was run to the garden centre. Also was not the only German to have this awesome idea, no no! It’s spring time, so out come all the nosy Germans with green thumbs and ones that would like to pretend they have green thumbs, and pillage the garden centres.

And here was me just wanting some soil and pots to repot my indoor plants.

Needless to say, I braved the long queue, got my stuff, went back home and then proceeded to procrastinate upon the matter for several days until I actually took the time one sunny afternoon to repot my plants on my balcony. Plant mummy was so proud 🙂

I also started finishing all my home projects that were still on my list and inventing new ones as I went along. I also ended up remembering some I’d completely forgotten about.

Just an IKEA Sideboard I put some crates in. These barely fit for dear life. I had to do a lot of dismantling, sawing and squishing, but now it looks like it was meant to be.

I suddenly found myself with so much energy. Even though I had been working from home before, it literally felt like I was trying to do the opposite of what I was being told. Like a reticent child, I know. So I started working on more music stuff, did a load of deep cleaning (like organising my kitchen), finished my home projects and started writing more blogs.

Who knew this lockdown would make me so productive? I’m not complaining, honestly. I think I also needed the break from my routine to show me where I had been going wrong. It just gave me a new perspective on things, when released from the pressures of every day life.

I’m not saying it didn’t come with its own pressures, because it did, but just direction wise it helped me move.

The Midway Point

Moving along from the initial surge of energy, the midway point could have gone either way, honestly. I really started feeling the physical distance from my friends. I’m a huge hugger, so I need my fix every now and then.

In a very cliché manner, I decided to start doing Yoga every day just to get some exercise in. I was doing some general exercises nearly every day before, but I do enjoy having something that keeps me on a schedule, because I am more likely to be able to stick to it. So I was like ‘why not Yoga?’ and started the 30 Day Home Journey with Adriene on YouTube.

Guess what! I’m on day 25 and I haven’t missed a single day! I wouldn’t have believed it possible myself, honestly, and I started out by rolling my eyes at the spirituality in Adriene’s videos. But I’m here for the exercise and I like having a set video to do every day that is different from the one the day before!

I mostly look forward to what I call ‘blanket days’ 😀 They are the integrated rest-days in the 30-Day journey and I love them. They’re so calming and soothing but at the same time you can tell yourself you’ve achieved your fitness goal for the day.

So in Germany, people who live alone are allowed to meet up with other people who live by themselves. I started meeting up with my friends (felt weird at first, not gonna lie). But I finally got my hug fix! Ugh, so needed! I don’t know how people can survive without. I was getting a bit depressed from lack of social contact, as I think we all are.

I have a friend who I’m currently coaching who lives alone, so I’ve been meeting up with her about once a week. She has been progressing so well these past few weeks and it is always interesting to see mistakes I have made myself on my vocal journey physically manifested in another person. It’s even more rewarding to be able to correct those mistakes in someone else before they become a habit.

The End Stage

We’re just entering what I would call the End Stage right now in Germany. I’m not saying the pandemic is over, that won’t happen until there is a vaccine, but things are slowly trying to return back to normal. Small shops have already been allowed to re-open with strict measures as to how many people are allowed per square metre etc. Now it seems that more things are likely to shift back to a more normal state in the coming weeks.

Honestly, I don’t think a lot will change for me, as any performances will probably still be prohibited for a long time. I’m going to focus more on online vocal coaching and my music theory workshop in the meantime.

Ideas Moving On

I must say I have learnt a lot through teaching vocals to other people. The level of awareness for my own voice is constantly growing, which can only be a good thing! I’ve also been trying to bring the spirit of Yoga to my vocal practises. By that I mean, I actively set aside time for myself and my voice every day and just show up for myself. It’s been helping me become more regular with my practises.

I have been toying with starting a YouTube channel again. Not really a music related one as I don’t have the right equipment to be able to record a lot of songs, but maybe more of a vlog style one with my home DIYs etc. I’ve been holding back on account of the editing process being so cumbersome. What do you think?

Also, short update: I can say that all my plants are growing and doing fab! If you want a plant update video, let me know and I’ll post one on my Instagram soon!

This is what I've been up to lately. They're my new friends.
May I present, from right to left, Bob 1 and Bob 2.

This is probably not everything I’ve been up to lately (just today I put up another shelf), but I think the blog would get way too long for it to be enjoyable.

For recent blogs, check out the start of my Brazil Blog here!

I’ve got a cat here next to me, ready to pounce and get some good scratches, so I’ll talk to you soon! Now he’s on my lap.

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